Friday, May 15, 2009

Banishing Summer Boredom

"Mom! I'm bored." How this short little statement can completely undo us each summer. That is because we may fall into the trap of being the "entertainer" for our children, always providing activities, play dates, organized games or lessons to keep our children engaged and busy. It may be time to rethink our purpose in this routine. Do we really want to create children who cannot feel happy and peaceful unless they are busy "doing" instead of just "being"? Is that the way our lives are working and so we perpetuate it for our children?

If this description fits your family's routine and you're not happy with it, never fear. It is not too late to change. But first, understand where this drive comes from. Our society honors "busyness"; it rewards the do-er, the achiever and not the person who is "just" being. There are so many things we do to please others and to appear "successful" in the eyes of others. We wear our children's successes (and our own) on our sleeves like bages of honor. These badges may be for high academic achievement, exceptional musical skills, an advanced sports level - you name it. If our definition of success is based upon achievement, then these are worthy goals.

I would like to suggest another definition of "success", however. Think about a successful child as one who can "be":
  • comfortable in his own skin; he likes who he is
  • well-rounded in terms of interests, friends and talents
  • aware of the needs of others around him and can strive to meet some of these needs
  • in relationship with family, friends and a "creator" in such a way that helps him feel truly connected

If we can change our idea of "success" to one that honors and rewards a child for "truly being" a person who continues to develop in not only the cognitive and physical realms, but also in the spiritual and emotional areas, then we have truly done so much more to foster a "being" of worth this summer!

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